Stuck on loading vpn parameters


I installed dappnode through usb iso clean install on a barenone
I5nuc.had some issues finding my ethernet card but it sorted it self it seemed.

Iam stuck on the above screen,not getting a ovpn link to connect my desktop.

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This usually happens when your internet connectivity is not OK.

Can you do:


Hi,i reinstalled dappnode and now iam stuck with can not find ethernet card,it is a new NUC i5 Gen 10 Barebone

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Your NUC model (Series 10) is not supported by our Debian ISO at the moment but we will add support for them soon.

If you don’t want to wait for it, you could install latest Ubuntu, and then follow the steps here:

Hmm,the dappnode shop details a gen 10 with pre installed software though

Yes. We use a customized Debian ISO to install on those, but we need some time to merge it to the official ISO and release it.
So it should be in the upcoming ISO images.

Ubuntu supports it out of the box, but we cannot provide the ISO image just yet

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This is the debian ISO image we use as a base:

I have the exact same NUC with the same issue. I´m considering just waiting for the upcoming ISO. Is there an estimate when this could be?

I had the same issue with a clean install on my barebone.
Started with my own install on ubuntu, but ran into some other issues with admin privileges.

Would love to know as well if there’s any timelines on the upcoming OS. Thanks!

Any info on when this will be added?

No date yet sorry, but if all tests on other hardware go ok, I will push for adding it for the next ISO.

We just finished a refactoring to make DAppNode more monolithic in components, so I expect a new ISO before the end of June (probably earlier).

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Hi @vdo, any luck on the ISO yet? Or where’s the best place to track new releases?



Hi @vdo and team,

Also just wanted to check in on the status of supporting Intel NUC Series 10 machines in the official ISO?



Hi @vdo, don’t want to push you guys in any way. I appreciate all the work you’re doing!

But is there any update on the next ISO release? Anything I/we can do to help? Thanks!

We wanted to add a refactor to simplify the Core and remove components, and this delayed the release.
I will post here when it’s ready, but we cannot give an exact date sorry.


Thanks for the update!

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The NUC10 compatible ISO has been released!


Thank you so much, I know you guys must be working really hard with everything going on.

I tried the ISO but unfortunately I’m still struggling with errors. 20200803_085301

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Could you try to install Ubuntu 20 or Debian Bullseye? as far as I know both are compatible with NUC10. Once installed you can install dappnode using our installation script

I had the same issue with the new ISO like described at Stuck on loading VPN parameters - NUC 8

So went for a clean Ubuntu install instead.