Updated OS via SSH Docker and WIFI down. No connection

I updated and upgraded OS via command line… now the dockers are “exited” and I can’t get them restarted again. Tried Googling but to no avail. It gave me the option to have them restart automatically… yes/no I chose yes.
I’ve lost Wifi and can’t get into Admin as I don’t have OpenVPN … never had it!

I’m considering to start from scratch again but I’m not sure. Is there a fix please?


working. I do however have SSH access.


Did you try running the update install/update script?

RE: https://docs.dappnode.io/install/#how-to-restore-an-installed-dappnode-to-the-latest-version

sudo wget -O - https://installer.dappnode.io | sudo UPDATE=true bash

I would run it and see it works afterwards.

Thanks for this. I tried it and it ran but I still can’t get in. It’s 1am… so gotta get done sleep thanks.

Hi there!

Could you paste here docker and debian version? you could run the following commands to retrieve the versions:
uname -a
docker -v

There is an incompatibility between the new debian version and the version of docker you have probably installed so updating docker should fix your issue.

You can install DAppNode from scratch or update docker. There is already a guide of how-to update docker using a script available here

I also had wifi issues and am running a fresh install of latest version. I could not get it to work by restarting wifi or other services via the dappnode admin, but restarting the machine did work for me.

[quote=“pablo, post:4, topic:850, full:true”]
Hi there!

Could you paste here docker and debian version? you could run the following commands to retrieve the versions:
uname -a
docker -v

There is an incompatibility between the new debian version and the version of docker you have probably installed so updating docker should fix your issue.

You can install DAppNode from scratch or update docker. There is already a guide of how-to update docker using a script available here

Ok, seems like should not be any incompatibility between debian and docker. Did you try restarting the wifi package or rebooting dappnode? I know this should not be the solution and we are working on detecting where does exactly this issue comes from

I tried both but it won’t start or log into Admin or Wifi.

Rebooting your DAppNode shoulder be enough to make the wifi service work again. If that did not work just paste the following command in your terminal: docker restart DAppNodeCore-wifi.dnp.dappnode.eth

This worked for me.

see my post: OS (Debian) update and missing cgroupsfs
and reinstall cgroupsfs.